DES MOINES — Today is the first day of open enrollment for the 39-thousand Iowans who buy health insurance through the Affordable Care Act. Plans are being offered through Medica and Wellmark.

Iowa Insurance Commissioner Doug Ommen recommends those on ACA plans review their household income to make sure they still qualify for federal subsidies. Ommen says, “Because we have seen, under the Affordable Care Act, a real impact on those people that have earnings that based on household structure, put them outside of the subsidy range.”

Ommen says those on A-C-A plans should review their coverage options during this limited enrollment period. “If they’re comfortable and familiar with ‘healthcare-dot-gov,’ they can do that or they can consider speaking to a licensed insurance agent about some other options that they might have,” he says.

The open enrollment period ends December 15th for plans that are effective January 1st of next year.

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