AMES — California Senator and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris calls President Trump “a crook.”

“He’s just a walking indictment in a red tie,” Harris said earlier this evening.

But during an appearance  tonight in Ames Harris did not directly suggest impeachment as the means for forcing Trump’s exit from the White House. Harris did not mention the impeachment inquiry in the U.S. House or President Trump’s phone call with Ukraine’s president either — but the crowd erupted in laughter and cheers when she made a passing reference to Trump’s remarks this week about that phone call.

“My background is as a prosecutor and I’m going to tell you something. I can recognize a confession when I see one,” Harris said, laughing along with the crowd.

Harris accused Trump of taking the word of authoritarian leaders in Russia, North Korea and Saudi Arabia rather than the professionals the U.S. intelligence community.

“Sold out our country and our nation’s security,” Harris said.

Harris’ appearance in Ames is part of her retooled campaign effort in Iowa.

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