CLEAR LAKE — The Clear Lake City Council tonight will consider approving a letter of intent with the Clear Lake Community School District on the proposed wellness and recreation center project that would be constructed just south of the current high school gymnasium.

City Administrator Scott Flory says the letter of intent would show the community that both entities agree to work in good faith toward a formal partnership and/or sharing agreement related to the center that would mutually benefit the citizens of Clear Lake.

If voters approve a $17 million bond issue on March 3rd, the city and school district would work together to execute a 28E sharing agreement where the school would own the center and lease it to the city for at least a 25-year period.

The city would be responsible for the day-to-day operation of the center with the school having priority usage for practice times, educational courses or programs, and special events.

The school district would lead the design and construction phase and be the lead financing entity for the project. The city would authorize the issuance of a general obligation bond not to exceed $700,000 as well as a general fund contribution not to exceed $300,000 toward the project. 

The approximate cost of the rec center is just over $10 million. The rest of the funds from the $17 million bond issue would be earmarked for other projects at each school building as well as at Lions Field.

The council meets tonight at 6 o’clock at City Hall. 

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