CEDAR RAPIDS — Democratic presidential candidate Julian Castro is questioning Iowa’s place at the front of calendar in the presidential nominating process.

Castro, the former mayor of San Antonio, says the order of the primary and caucus schedule should be more reflective of the nation’s and the party’s diversity. Castro made his comments during an interview on MSNBC and then the Castro campaign sent a press release to amplify his remarks.

Castro says the country’s changed a lot since the Iowa Caucuses became a first-in-the-nation event and Iowa’s demographic make-up is not reflective of the nation as a whole and “certainly not reflective of the Democratic Party.” Castro says other states should have their chance at going first in 2024 and beyond.

Castro is campaigning Cedar Rapids today. On Tuesday, Castro will accompany a man from Honduras to a meeting with Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Cedar Rapids about his application for asylum in the United States.

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