ARNOLDS PARK — A businessman from Arnolds Park announced a run Thursday against Republican Congressman Steve King for the Fourth District Congressional seat. 

Steve Reeder says he has the experience to help small businesses.    “I was getting frustrated watching all the conflict in Washington and the lack of representation in northwest Iowa,” Reeder says. “I’m not a politician. I am a 35-year real estate broker and developer that has been in the private sector. I’ve seen how small businesses have had to operate. I want to help the small businesses and the rural revitalization of these small communities and keep them thriving.”

The 58-year-old Reeder also says education is an issue that is important to him. “My daughter is an educator. My wife’s cousins are educators. Her uncle was a superintendent up her in Dickinson County. I want to keep education at a state and local level. I do not think the federal government should be involved in the decisions being made in education,” Reeder says. 

Reeder is the fourth candidate to announce a challenge of the incumbent King, along with State Senator Randy Feenstra, Woodbury County Supervisor Jeremy Taylor and former Irwin Mayor Bret Richards.

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