Alliant asked to make some changes to new meter proposal
DES MOINES — The discussion continues on Alliant Energy’s program to install new meters for gas and electric service that send out radio signals that can be read by the company.
IUB spokesman, Don Tormey, says the reaction from customers in the hearings and discussion of the program have been mixed.
“Some people want them, some people don’t want them, some people want them to pulse less — there are many issues discussed in the docket,” Tormey says.
The IUB ruled against charging customers a fee if they wanted to opt out of what’s called the advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) program. Alliant submitted an opt-out plan for customers and that was the subject of an IUB order issued Friday. “The board reviewed those and has asked Alliant to make further revisions based on the board’s review,” according to Tormey.
The latest order by the board requires Alliant to offer a meter set in the “opt-out” mode as a reduced transmission option. A meter set in opt-out mode will only pulse the day of the month when the meter is read. When a new customer moves into a residence that was already on the opt-out list, Alliant must offer the existing opt-out option to the new customer before changing the meter. Alliant was also ordered to clarify it’s language for gas meters.
“Alliant is required to make the revisions to the individual opt-out tariffs and file those with the IUB within ten days of last Friday,” Tormey says. The IUB rejected the community opt-out tariffs for both electric and natural gas services and issued some requirements for Alliant to move forward.
“The order also requires Alliant to meet with representatives of the Office of Consumer Advocate and the cities of Fairfield and Vedic City within 30 days, and then file a new community opt-out tariff within 21 days of that meeting. So, it’s very specific of what it has asked Alliant to do,” Tormey says.
Tormey says anyone with any questions on the IUB’s action can find the information on the IUB website. Or you can contact the Iowa Utilities Board Customer Service staff at 877-565-4450 or [email protected].